store ngl-bi runcode in ng6 run
to allow the request for raw data path and update reasets path in NGL-Bi
in run table, add a new column ngl-bi-runcode-and-lane
check how to populate it from jflow
to allow the request for raw data path and update reasets path in NGL-Bi
in run table, add a new column ngl-bi-runcode-and-lane
check how to populate it from jflow
changed milestone to %V3.4.3
added Enhancement label
assigned to @gsalin
removed milestone %V3.4.3
changed title from store ngl-bi run code in ng6 run to store ngl-bi analysis code in ng6 run
changed the description
changed the description
mentioned in commit 43878a49
changed milestone to %V3.4.5
mentioned in merge request !154 (merged)
new parameter for the run --nglbi_run_code RunCode:LaneId
it is a parameter of NG6Workflow, so we can add this parameter to all pipelines (illumina/ONT/pacbio)
changed title from store ngl-bi analysis code in ng6 run to store ngl-bi runcode in ng6 run