Manage fields displayed in germplasm card
We should display the BRC logo if this accession is part of a BRC. -
Popover for BRC information ? -
Logo for all institutions. -
Parents name for descendants (add other parent). -
Factorize popover templates for institutes (use parameters ?). -
Order of germplasm card sections (by importance). -
Add donorAccessionNumber to Donation section, in third column (after date and institute) or somewhere else. -
(Minor) Siblings links : remove underline. -
Merge ascendants and -descendants- siblings sections, and rename "accession numbers" to "siblings". -
If the distribution status is "EXTERNAL" and the institute has a web site, we should add the link. -
Add informations on the origin site -
Remove collector.germplasmPUI field ? -
In genealogy part, add parent name for self and unknown parent types, but display nothing for for accession 'unknown' -
In population part, add a link on the population name id it is also an accession
Edited by Jérémy Destin